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International Seminar on Chemical, Food, and Chemurgy Engineering
Soehadi Reksowardojo
(STKSR 2023)

International Seminar on Chemical, Food, and Chemurgy Engineering Soehadi Reksowardojo (STKSR) is an annual seminar held by the Department of Chemical Engineering ITB in honor of Prof. Soehadi Reksowardojo’s contribution to the early developments of chemical engineering higher education in Indonesia. This year STKSR 2023 will be jointly hosted with Department of Food Engineering ITB and Department of Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy ITB, with the seminar being held in Bandung, Indonesia and also by virtual conference, starting from November 21 - 23, 2023. Bringing forward the theme “Back to the Root, Sustainably Feeding the Future: Establishing the role of process engineer to build a sustainable future for the food industry,” we would like to invite scholars and practitioners from all around the world to contribute to these seminars.

Conference Topics

This seminar will cover the latest scientific & technological developments for:

  • Bioenergy and alternative energy
  • Food engineering and technology
  • Bioprocess engineering
  • Chemurgy and bio-based material
  • Advanced science and materials
  • Separation technology
  • Process simulation
  • Industrial application
  • Reaction and control engineering
  • Chemical engineering education